What is good? Why is good? What is goodness? Who is so called 'The good shephard'? Who is the man of the God?
Solution- Knowledge is good. Good is the universe. God is good. Logic is god. Universe is logical. Its meant to be like that. Everything/God complies with it. With good we win. Everyone wants to win. So everyone wants good. Evil wants good. Everyone looks for good. There is no argument to good but evil.
What is evil? Why is evil? Who is evil? What is satan?
Solution- Foolishness makes evil. Evil establishes for good men to do nothing. Humans have choice to choose good or bad/Positive or negative. Thats why humans are powerful. Powerful than God. Dont blame god for evil happenings. When we choose the bad, we are establishing the foolishness and "established foolishness plus power is evil". Satan is no one being. It is the evil (the adjective/property/behavior itself) whereever it is.. in things/people/information. Evil is bad. It makes us lose. Noone wants evil. Even evil doesnt wants evil. There is no argument to evil.
Conclusion/Result :-
Lets start from evil and go to good. Evil has no argument. That is why evil wins. Evil should not have power. It should not be granted power. Good wins. Thats how its made like. How to win? Win for one is same as win for all. Let one win and all applaud/cheer. Then let all win. One is as important as all. Winning can be achieved starting from majority of good.
Goodness wins because it is logical. Evil has no logic so it does not win in this logical universe. Logic needs no arguments. It is evident. It seems to win.. for time being... goodness has to win, its made like that, and god made this universe for us to see the hint. God made nature to let us see it all. God made the intellect in us to see it all. When we do evil our soul gathers negative energies and we dont feel good. Still we behave like blind and let grow, and even accept evil. Surprize. Good needs power over evil because evil needs to be destroyed. No war or killing is needed for that ideally. Evil is in human mind and nowhere else. So far we can see that much.
And it is true that evil binds to the mind stronger than good. Evil is like inertial matter. Good is hard to capture and keep. It is like free energy.
Evil loses but the choice is upon us- when? Do we all win..? OR, human destruction ends earth?, nature takes care of it?, or God fixes it all by the WAY?(Faiths tell ways but logic makes it evident)
It is not the answer to everything but it is the answer for everything.
It is not justice for everyone but it is the justice to everyhing.