Sunday, February 24, 2008

Telepathy and occult arts

After seeking a lot of info. about telepathy and black magic from many forums, sites and people via the Internet, i found many cases which are ignored by the society or are lost in the dark because people don’t tell it to others out of the fear of social shame and disbelief. These things very much exist, and the study of such hidden arts is called occult.
Telepathy is a lost power of subconscious mind, which can be used correctly with practice. It probably was developed in the early stages of evolution of human mind, which is now diminished in humans due to needlessness, but is still found in animals who use it to get the sense of other living things around them. This helps them in survival from predators. The mind senses some kind of thought waves which lets one read the mind of others. There are even other planes of awareness, which when perfected in practice of use, lets one read and affect others minds even from a distance, and without conscious physical effort!

Magical rituals or ‘prayogs’ (in Hindi lang.) use some kind of spiritual or cosmic energies to work as per the magicians will, that can cause good or harm to others. Belief in magic is a big factor in understanding it, and proving it exactly according to scientific methods is hard, thats why magic is not experimentally proven, but practically true. People who possess the knowledge and skill of to use the powers of magic, due to selfishness, don’t tell it to others, or keep it inside a selfish and blind community. The common man in India knows such things by hearings of such cases only, although there is much writing and evidence in support of such things. The point is its not yet made a subject of study, yet. People think of fast returns these days. And they are ready to do anything that gives easy power and success, but don’t want to touch things that don’t seem to benefit. People who have knowledge, due to fear of laugh in public, keep it unadvertised and hidden.

Why telepathy should be banned?

'Telepathy'- Literally translated, it means "suffering at a distance," or, perhaps, "feeling pain at a distance." The name should really indicate "knowing at a distance," in order to be properly descriptive. But as the term has acquired a forced meaning by reason of years of usage, it will probably be continued in popular favor. It is wrong to know others thoughts without their permission or at least accepting responsibility of the task. It is a big power and so the handling should be careful.

Why am i writing this article?

A recent experience made me to look after such things. After experiencing it first hand, i know that telepathy exists, which is para-physical (Extra-sensory perception), but not super-normal. It opened my mind to other unexplained phenomenon and i came to know that the knowledge of this limitless universe and the human mind is very limited to us. I am now reasonably and totally against forced telepathy. There is a lot to know in the unknown, if we keep our minds open.

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